Ramat Hanadiv is a living memorial to Baron Edmond de Rothschild. The management is based on sustainable interactions between man, nature and the environment.
The nature reserve the area is mostly scattered scrub vegetation. We saw small cattle and goat grazing, used to keep the vegetation trim and trees well established.
The staff are passionate about their work, it’s a special place with programs for special needs workers helping with task such as planting and garden maintenance. One of the areas has been planted and labeled in brail for the blind, everyone experiences an amazing aroma from herb bushes and fragrant flowers.
The memorial garden is entirely irrigated, every plant grown in this immense exhibit is fed water from elaborate irrigation lines. Ramat Handiv uses about 55,000 cubic meters of water annually, about the amount of 100 North American homes. (0630,0631) We were honoured by a private tour which gave us a familiarity with the immense task of grounds fabrication and maintenance, as well as a glimpse at the research facility.